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  1. ​ Munteanu CVA, ChiriÈ›oiu GN, Petrescu AJ, Petrescu ÅžM. “Defining the altered glycoproteomic space of the early secretory pathway by class I mannosidase pharmacological inhibition”, Frontiers in  Molecular Bioscence-in review



  1. Gabriela N ChiriÈ›oiu, Marioara ChiriÈ›oiu, Cristian VA Munteanu. „Dataset of human EDEM2 melanoma cells proteomics, affinity proteomics and deglycoproteomics” Data in Brief, 2021

  2. Cristian V. A. Munteanu*, Gabriela N. ChiriÈ›oiu*, Marioara ChiriÈ›oiu, Simona Ghenea, Andrei-Jose Petrescu, and Stefana M. Petrescu “Affinity Proteomics and Deglycoproteomics Uncover Novel EDEM2 Endogenous Substrates and an Integrative ERAD Network” 2021, Mol Cell Proteomics 20, 100125 (*autori cu contributie egala),

  3. Georgiana Manica, Simona Ghenea, Cristian V. A. Munteanu, Eliza Martin, Cristian Butnaru, Marius Surleac, Gabriela N. ChiriÈ›oiu, Petruta Alexandru, Andrei-Jose Petrescu, and Stefana M. Petrescu, “EDEM3 Domains Cooperate to Perform Its Overall Cell Functioning”. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2172.




Oral presentation

  1. ” Defining protein function and activity associated to different pathologies by combining molecular, cellular, biochemical and analytical      methods” Gabriela Chiritoiu, Marioara Chiritoiu, Cristian Munteanu, Andrei Petrescu, Stefana Petrescu, 2022, The 6th International Conference: NT SMT-LS, Brasov-virtual event

  2. “Chemically Modified Peptides as Immunomodulatory Agents “Gabriela Chiritoiu, Cristian Munteanu, Andrei Petrescu, Stefana Petrescu, 2022, EU-OPENSCREEN DRIVE Workshop, Timisoara 


  1. ” Proteomic assessment of Arg/Pro amino acid metabolic interconversion in SILAC labeled cancer cell lines”, 2021 , Poster Award Winners and Abstracts of the 35th Anniversary Symposium of The Protein Society, July 7–14, 2021 | Virtual-co-autor

  2.  “Targeted proteomics for the assessment of new potential melanoma antigens” Gabriela Chiritoiu, Cristian Munteanu, Marioara             Chiritoiu, Andrei Petrescu, Stefana Petrescu, ANNUAL PROTEOMICS SYMPOSIUM, 2022, Barcelona Spain,



Oral presentation: 

  1.  Gabriela N. ChiriÈ›oiu “Glycosylation as a Target in Improving Melanoma  Immunogenicity” STOP CANCER. Simpozionul Transdisciplinar de Oncologie Personalizată EdiÈ›ia a V-a, 23-25 Septembrie 2021

  2. Simona Ghenea, Andrei-Jose Petrescu, and Stefana M. Petrescu “Noi potenÈ›iale substrate ale EDEM2 È™i investigarea interacÈ›iilor sale proteice în context  tumoral folosind analiza deglicoproteomica È™i proteomică” ConferinÈ›a Cercetării ȘtiinÈ›ifice din Academia Română CCSAR-22-23 Noiembrie 2021


  1. Cristian V. A. Munteanu, Gabriela N. ChiriÈ›oiu, Stefana M. Petrescu, Livia E. Sima “Proteomic assessment of Arg/Pro amino acid metabolic interconversion in SILAC labeled cancer cell lines” Award Winners and Abstracts of the 35th Anniversary Symposium of The Protein Society, July 7–14, 2021 | Virtual, 35th Anniversary Symposium of The Protein Society



  1. Oral presentation: Gabriela N.Chiritoiu,"Obtaining ERAD activated melanoma cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 SAM technology and their       characterization by flow cytometry techniques" Institutul de Biochimie al Academiei Romane Al XIII-lea Congres National  de Citometrie, 16-18 decembrie 2020














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